What To Expect From Your Blessing

Most people feel great joy
& inner cleansing after a blessing from Jeshua.

This may last for minutes, hours, and days. It will likely bring permanent changes in your life, if only on a subtle level. It carries with it a powerful healing energy that can filter down from the subtle spiritual realm into the very cells of your body, and others around you will see you differently.

The blessing you have received is one of great love, a powerful influx of Divine Light, and Spiritual Energy from the quantum field. The end result is personal transformation on whatever level, or to whatever degree is available for you at this time. As this happen there will be greater happiness and spontaneous joy, much less fear, and fewer restrictions to conditional reality. Life itself becomes more miraculous!

Some of you will experience this blessing more spiritually, others more emotionally, and many will feel a great transmission of physical energy. For some there is a sudden shift of some oppressing condition, but for most people this happens gradually as you build your own confidence in the prosperity of renewed love and enhanced life.

Love is not only a feeling, an attitude toward life, or a quality of relating, it is also a very pure energy that sustains all of life. In order to address all of your issues, hopes, and desires unconditionally, Jeshua’s blessings are offered without attitude or condition. They are pure transmissions of Love Energy. It is you who supply the intention and direction through your prayers and the invitations of your heart. How fast or readily you receive is directly related to how you embrace your most loving hopes, and relax your defenses against newer and better solutions, a lighter heart, and a more positive attitude about life itself.

Often the first sign that the Energy Transmission is taking effect is a kind of tingling sensation and an unexplainable joy. Look in the mirror. Your skin may glow; your eyes may be brighter or even sparkle; and sadness and fatigue seem to disappear.

You may find that you sleep better or need less sleep to feel fully refreshed. For most people, there is more mental clarity and physical fitness, with an immediate reduction of mental or emotional stress. The Blessing restores an energetic connection between your body, heart, and soul. Because of this some report an important healing or a significant reduction of physical distress.

Some recipients feel more spiritually connected, positive and hopeful. Others find that their intuition improves. It’s as if a fog has been lifted and a new clarity of mind emerges. Because of these and other improvements, self-confidence grows, and those with whom you interact respond with more consideration and respect. Ideally, there is a great “ripple effect” that will enhance the quality of life for everything and everyone else in your environment.

This power of reconnection allows your energy to apply itself to all the work that needs to be done. The energy emitted through this transmission is like a kind of renovation and is not always comfortable. Therefore, you may at first feel like you need more sleep or rest as you do in any healing situation. The Blessing energy is actually doing a tremendous amount of physical, mental, spiritual and emotional cleansing and aligning within a very short time. As it passes through the body it could stir up some sludge (emotional, physical, and spiritual) that will absorb your resources until the old debris is eliminated.

The “Transformation Period” could last from a few hours to a few weeks. Do not be disappointed if you experience exhaustion as the Blessing targets each cell of your body and creates a new energetic structure. That means it is doing the work on a very deep cellular level. Like a newborn baby, you may need to take extra rest during the transformation period as many hormonal changes are happening within your body. Aches and discomfort in your physiology may be experienced with no observable cause. Some people feel temporary confusion or anxiety. This happens because the transmission’s energy has an impact on one’s endocrine system, which secretes various hormones that regulate the emotions.

As with all natural modalities, a period of feeling worse before you feel better is just an indication that the Blessing is working as it should. This is because we must often release negative or unwanted effects in order for the body, heart, and soul to assimilate new and better patterns of living. Not all “toxins” are physical. However, we often experience the elimination of non-physical contaminants in physical ways, such as runny noses, sneezing or sweating, or even diarrhea. Sometimes healing can be preceded by a bit of emotional purging and reexamination of old beliefs that no longer serve you. It may require forgiving yourself or others. You may have new and better food cravings, or feel thirsty for lots of water. Allow your spirit to be your guide as you follow what new possibilities are happening for you.

Whatever unpleasant side-effects you may have at first, be assured that they will not last long. And, on the other side is a rainbow!

To insure the quickest and easiest passage through them, just follow these recommendations: Drink plenty of water, rest as needed, breathe deeply and often, and most importantly: bless the blessing, knowing that you are releasing for the last time many levels of discomfort that have been blocking you from a greater light, love, and happiness. Last but not least, return for more blessings. Sometimes a little booster makes all the different. Your body, heart, and soul know just how much energy to receive at any one time. And then you are ready for more.

While the blessings are given without charge, we deeply appreciate any Love Offerings you are led to give. Not only do these gifts support the continuance of our work, they also help to materialize your own faith into tangible results.

Love Offerings Are Appreciated

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